Thursday, 21 February 2008

Thank you

As my father has just pointed out, all my work is being looked after very well so a big thank you to Mum and Dad for putting up with about 10 portfolios (and a few other things!) in their house.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008


This is one of my University samples from 2nd year its a double cloth with silk linen and monofiliment. Its fun when you find old work you forgot you had (most of my stuff is still hidden in portfolios at my parents house one day I'll go rescue them!).
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The loom rebuilt

Here it is in its new home!
I haven't had chance to actually use it yet but it is all ready to go.
I also found some of my older work so thats out on the loom to inspire me.
Well I'm taking it easy today as I have a cold not a very bad one just enough to take away all your energy! So catching up on the paper work the boring part of self employment!!
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